CEMENT BOX YTONG FORTE PP2,5 / 0,4 S + GT VARIETY 400 gr.30 cm

Product description
The wall of Ytong Forte blocks 24 cm thick with 15 cm thick insulation can be used even in passive buildings! In turn, Ytong Forte blocks, 36.5 cm thick, with a heat transfer coefficient of U = 0.29 W / (m2K), are an excellent proposition for single-layer walls separating heated and unheated rooms, e.g. a garage from a residential part.
Advantages of walls made of Ytong Forte blocks:
- high thermal insulation,
- lower transport cost due to low weight,
- no thermal bridges due to the use of Ytong-Silka mortar and system elements,
- non-flammable and fire resistant material.
Due to the high dimensional accuracy of the walls made of Ytong Forte elements, Ytong-Silka thin mortar is built on thin mortar, which allows significant reduction of masonry time and reduction of thermal bridges. The availability of a wide range of complementary elements such as warm Ytong YN and YF lintels, rim insulation - Multipor EDW tiles and Ytong ceiling panels are also important in obtaining good thermal parameters of the partition from Ytong Forte blocks. Thanks to these elements, the walls of Ytong Forte blocks are warm and made of a homogeneous material - aerated concrete.
Ytong Forte - specifications
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