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End cap right 153 Galeco titanium zinc

Manufacturer: Galeco
Availability: Available up to 48 hours
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Manufacturer: Galeco
Availability: Available up to 48 hours
Średnica: 153
Rodzaj materiału: STAL

Product description

Galeco TYTAN-ZINC is a gutter system of natural sheet, 0.7 mm thick, with a zinc content of 99.995%. The system is manufactured in accordance with the PN-EN 612 standard and is based on traditional methods of production and assembly of systems with Zinc Titanium.

We offer titanium-zinc gutters in sizes 127 (280 mm extension) and 153 (333 mm expansion) with 80 and 100 mm drain. The traditional way of joining elements by soldering or gluing means that the system does not require additional connectors and seals. A correctly completed and installed gutter system will ensure effective and permanent drainage of the building.

The above products are in stock in four Galeco Sales Offices - Gdynia, Mikołów, Poznań and Wrocław. The product is available "under the order" in other company branches. The system will be distributed along with standard deliveries of goods from Galeco branches, so we provide the highest standard of service and rapid delivery time logistical.

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