Mapei MAPE-ANTIQUE RINZAFFO undercoat - 20 kg
Product description
Cement-free mortar based on organic and pozzolana, resistant to salts, for use as a primer before applying renovation plasters MAPE-ANTIQUE MC, MAPE-ANTIQUE CC, MAPE-ANTIQUE LC.
Mape-Antique Rinzaffo mortar is especially recommended for renovation, as a primer for plaster mortars used on the walls of old stone or brick buildings damaged as a result of intensive chlorides.
Maximum aggregate diameter: 2.5 mm.
Mixing ratio: 100 parts MAPE-ANTIQUE RINZAFFO with 25-27.5 parts water (5-5.5 l water for each bag of product).
Fresh mix porosity: 6%.
Water vapor permeability coefficient: ≤ 30 µ.
Maximum usage time: about 1 hour
Maximum thickness of one layer: 5 mm.
Application: by trowel or machine.
Storage: 12 months
Consumption: 7.5 kg / m² on 5 mm thick.
Packaging: 20 kg bags.
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