Product description
MARMURIT AKORD plaster mix is a two-component binder composition based on acrylic resins and natural granite aggregate with grain size 0.1 ÷ 0.6 mm. The binder is delivered in a sealed container, along with it strictly measured portions of aggregate are supplied in colors according to the Manufacturer's catalog. Plaster mass is created by mixing selected aggregates with a binder in appropriate proportions according to the recipe. MARMURIT AKORD plaster mix is used for spraying thin-layer plaster plasters outside and inside buildings. It is especially recommended for decorative wall finishing in rooms with high traffic (such as: staircases, hallways, corridors and passageways) and architectural elements found on building facades (i.e. plinths, pilasters, cornices). For use on mineral substrates (such as concrete, cement and cement-lime plaster) as well as on substrates covered with a well-bound paint coating based on plastics. Before applying the plastering, the substrate must be primed with MARMURIT GT stained under the same mosaic mix, and on absorbent substrates also with BUDOGRUNT ZG or BUDOGRUNT WG. Note: Due to the product's specificity, it is not recommended for use on surfaces exposed to long-term and direct water exposure as well as in thermal insulation systems. Plaster in dark mixes should not be used on direct sunlight facades. excessive heat and the possibility of deterioration of the trip's aesthetics. Note: Before composing the mix, check the aggregate batch / component B numbers. Do not mix batch of aggregate bits with different numbers for the same surface (if necessary, mix / reconcile them together beforehand!)
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