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Manufacturer: Farby KABE
Availability: Available from stock
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Manufacturer: Farby KABE
Availability: Available from stock

Product description

Budogrunt WG Universal preparation based on water-borne acrylic dispersions, intended for proper preparation of the base for finishing paint coatings, ceramic cladding, floor coverings and floors. Used for priming all common absorbent building substrates inside buildings. Especially recommended for priming the substrate before applying dispersion paints: AKRYLATEX W, PROLATEX, OPTILATEX, OPTIMA, PERFEKTA, PRIMA, MILAMAT as well as MARMURIT and MARMURIT COLORATO mosaic plasters. For use on mineral substrates (such as concrete, aerated concrete, cement and anhydrite screed, cement plaster, cement-lime and gypsum as well as gypsum boards).

Base binding agent

  copolymer binder
The content of volatile organic compounds (VOC) cat A / h. The product contains less than 30 g / l VOC
Density approx. 1.05 kg / dm³
Color milky, colorless after drying
Average consumption approx. 0.20 l / m² (depending on the absorbency of the substrate)
Application temperature (air and substrate) from + 5 ° C to + 25 ° C
Relative humidity ≤80%
packaging Disposable plastic packaging containing 5 and 10 liters of product
Storage Store in tightly closed original container in a cool room, but providing protection against frost Sealed packaging should be tightly closed and used as soon as possible
Shelf life 12 months from the date of production on the product packaging, with the original packaging closed

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